Looking forward to your reply!Hi Tori!Sorry for the delay, I have being busy with our mid term examination, which is pretty crucial in our high school life. I don't know if I an supposed to write both in Chinese and in English, my teacher who is charge of this project didn't mention much about how I should communicate. So, I guess I will also send both Chinese and English mail. I feel happy for your mother to have such a pen pal, it’s just so hard to find a friend like that, let alone pen pal. Thanks about asking how was I doing, I am doing ok with my study. The weather is as the same here in Beijing, today is the first snow day in 2016! And we went to a traditional Chinese clinic called 弘医堂, we learned a lot about herbal medicines, today’s social activity (as it is called by our teacher) is so much better than just sitting in our classroom learning stuffs. I love Agatha Christie “Tommy & Tuppence” series and a Chinese Science fiction called “Three Body”(《三体》), have you ever heard of that? Science fiction is always my favorite!其实,不瞒你说,我们这边的理科也是越来越难,(说起来和废话一样...不过我特别喜欢聊天)我们这边高二的时候分科了,分为文科和理科,文科从高二开始副科主修历史、政治和地理,理科从高二开始副科主修物理、化学和生物。选择学哪一个由我们自己来决定,我学理科。我们数学考试永远都是会死人的,我们从来不敢说自己准备好了,因为是事实准备了也没用,总会几家欢喜几家愁,但是说实话我很喜欢研究理科的问题。我也很喜欢你的名字的来历~你在学校最喜欢学哪几个科目啊?
Six Z

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