Saturday, November 5, 2016

Final Message to Pen Pal for this Term....

你好, 子渊!

其实,我最近发现我的妈妈也有一个笔友了! 她的笔友住在澳大利亚。 她们好想互通写信了差不多四十年了!

你怎么样?这个星期这儿的天气越来越冷天气预报说后天要下雨了。 我刚才考完一个数学考试。 我和我的同学以为了我们准备好了, 可是考试太难了!😭下课以后,有的同学看上去死了! 

我的爸爸爱打高尔夫球。 我也很喜欢打高尔夫球,可是更喜欢练习瑜伽。你写了你喜欢读书。 你喜欢什么书? 

(Apparently I’m supposed to write to you both in Chinese and English, so I’ll write in English now!) 

You also asked in your last email how I got my Chinese name. It was randomly picked! My Chinese teacher just randomly gave me my name. The interesting thing, though, is that my Chinese name and my English name, which is really Victoria (my nickname is Tori), both have the same meaning of Victory. 

Also, my teacher told me to upload a picture of myself! 


(Photo for some reason not uploading on Blogger!) 


Hope all is well!祝:天天开心! 
Tori (文凯)😄

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