Tuesday, April 4, 2017

A New Pen Pal This Term...

I have a new pen pal this term. This is what I wrote them:


我的英文名字叫Tori, 可是我的中文名字是陆文凯。 我现在上安多弗高中, 上十一年级,今年十七岁。 因为我是寄宿生, 所以我现在住在我的学校, 可是我的家人住在康涅狄格州。我的学校离我的家差不多两个小时。这个学期我在上五门课:数学课,英语课,中文课,历史课和物理课。 在学校,我很喜欢学中文,已经学了两年中文。 周末我喜欢跟朋友玩儿,玩儿电子游戏,织衣服, 看书, 什么的。 你家有几口人? 周末你喜欢做什么?你喜欢什么样的的音乐?

(Apparently I’m supposed to write to you both in Chinese and English, so I’ll write in English now!)

I guess I’ll tell you little bit more about myself! I have two siblings. My older sister is named Michaela, and she is currently a sophomore in college. My older brother, Ti, is just about to graduate from college. My mother is a biologist, and my father is a researcher and a doctor.  Because I go to a boarding school, I haven’t seen my family in a while, but I’m excited to see them in the summer! By the way, what are your parents occupations?

I think that’s a pretty good introduction for now. Can’t wait to here back from you!


Tori (文凯)

祝:天天开心 :)

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