Monday, April 10, 2017

My Response to My New Penpal...

你好, Mark!

别担心:) 你说什么都行! 我喜欢各种各样的音乐, 比如说流行音乐,节奏布鲁斯,  饒舌音乐和Kpop 。另外, 因为我从小的时候弹吉他,弹钢琴, 所以我喜欢吉他音乐和古典音乐。

Also, this is random but the weather is really great today! Before, it was always either snowing or raining here, but now it is finally warm! I usually love cold weather but it was time for a change. At my school, students LOVE to do something we call  “lawning” in the spring. It is not a proper english word; the students just made up the word. “Lawning” is when you relax in the sun and sunbath.


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