Monday, May 8, 2017

The Letter I Wrote To My Pen Pal...

Mark! 你怎么样?真抱歉现在才给你回信,我们刚有期中考试,要化了很多时间复习准备考试,作文,也无法自拔😂。

In terms of your question, since I mostly reside on campus, I asked my friends who actually live in the town of Andover what the environment and people are like, and they said three words:  “Quiet,” “Green,” and “Trees.” In other words, the town is very quiet and peaceful, has a lot of greenery and nature, and has a lot of trees. Andover is located in a larger region of northeastern America called "New England." The average American would say that Andover is a typical New England suburb.

我希望我把问题回答了。我希望你将来有一天来到新英格兰。 虽然我老家也在新英格兰,但是安多夫和我老家不同。 一般美国人还会说我老家是一个典型在新英格兰的镇,其实有一点儿难解释。你可以说大部分新英格兰的镇很安静,有很多森林和绿地。

要问一下,在中国里你觉得哪个城市有最严重的环境问题之一。 那个问题是什么? 我跟一个同学要研究一个在中国环境问题,给我们的同学一个报告。

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 祝你快乐,幸福✧

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